Beyond Boundaries: Inclusive Adventure Festival

The Community

Beyond Boundaries aims to create an annual inclusive adventure festival held every August in collaboration with Stories of the Crux, Girlinthewild, Rock on Collective and Kamloops Pride. The purpose of Beyond Boundaries is to create a space for equity deserving genders to form a supportive network within the adventure tourism industry. This will be done by fostering relationships with the partners listed above and diversifying the adventure community. Beyond Boundaries also recognizes the boundaries historically within adventure tourism and aims to create a space where all are welcome, thus providing accessibility to the outdoors.

Source: Unsplash

The Opportunity

Beyond Boundaries offers an opportunity to unite communities by fostering inclusivity within the adventure tourism industry. A gap has been identified within the adventure industry lacking inclusive aspects based on the industry historically being male dominated. Due to this, Beyond Boundaries aims to bridge said gap in creating an inclusive space to facilitate diversity within the adventure industry. Through collaborative partnerships and shared objectives, the festival facilitates connections between diverse groups, promoting knowledge sharing, community engagement, and the creation of a supportive and welcoming environment for all participants. Additionally, the opportunity seen is to bridge the gap of the Kamloops adventure community and Thompson Rivers University’s adventure community. There is a divide between both communities’ preconceived notions about each one. Therefore, by creating a space for both to collaborate it facilitates the opportunity to make an inclusive space for all.

Source: Unsplash

The Experience

Beyond Boundaries will hold one event for a specific adventure per week for the first three weeks in August led by members of the surrounding area outdoor groups that promote equitable opportunities in the outdoor industry. The last week of August we encourage all who participated to join Beyond Boundaries in the annual Kamloops Pride Parade. The Parade aims to be a celebration of creating space for equitable opportunities as well as a way to celebrate with the wider Kamloops community.  Below is a breakdown of each week and the partner operator. It is worth noting each adventure does not take a full week to complete as we understand participants’ time constraints. Therefore, each adventure will commence Saturday and Sunday of each week, with Saturday being knowledge based and space creating and Sunday being the adventure. All gear will be rented at a discount price from TRU Adventure Studies. By creating this relationship with TRU, Beyond Boundaries furthers their efforts in combining the adventure communities that occupy Kamloops and the surrounding areas.

Each adventure will consist of 10-15 participants to ensure quality, authenticity, and safety of these activities. The cost for participants would be $25 to cover instructor costs, rental gear needed for the activity, and shuttle transportation. Transportation will be provided by A1 BUS LTD since they provide drop off and pick up in any terrain to provide flexibility for touring groups. The City of Kamloops  offers grants for culture support, more specifically BC festival of the Arts Legacy Fund to help with costs of projects in community development. If Beyond Boundaries gets accepted for this grant, costs for this adventure festival will be reduced. 

Week 1 Kayaking: Week one will be with our partner operator Stories of the Crux. This organization is operated by TRU adventure study students who aim to create a welcoming space in the adventure community. Participants will be joining Stories of the Crux for a day of knowledge and creating a safe and welcoming space in a location to be determined on Saturday for 4 hours. The following day they will invite participants to join them in a kayak excursion at a lake in the surrounding area. The adventure aims to take 4 hours once at the location.

Week 2 Climbing: Week two will be conducted by Rock on Collective. Previously known as Babes in the Bluffs, Rock on Collective welcomes equity deserving genders to participate and/or become a mentor. Rock on Collective will conduct the climbing portion of the festival. Day one aims to promote climbing safety and inclusivity via bonding in a to be determined location for 4 hours. Day two will consist of heading outside and participation in climbing. Similar to week one, the adventure will be 4-6 hours (location tbd).

Week 3 Hiking: The last adventure is hiking conducted by Girlinthewild. Girlinthewild is a non-profit organization providing free campings for those who identify as female or non-binary. Girlinthewild will provide an information and safety session the Saturday of that week for 2-4 hours. The following day Girlinthewild will take participants on a hike with an estimated time of four hours. 

Week 4 Pride: The final week of Beyond Boundaries will be a celebration day commencing with Kamloops Pride. Beyond Boundaries is a Kamloops Pride Society Member and aims to walk in the parade with participants. This will act as a closing ceremony to our festival and a celebration of all.

Source: Unsplash

The Benefit

Beyond Boundaries aims to build upon pre-existing infrastructure to create a larger network within inclusive adventure. Below are several benefits for all stakeholders involved: 

Organizers: The organizers of Beyond Boundaries are benefiting from establishing an annual space to build and strengthen the community. These benefits include enhancing community engagement, expanding networking opportunities, and promoting equity within the adventure industry. Additionally, the organizers are fostering inclusivity and diversity through educational adventure events and active participation in community celebrations like the Kamloops Pride parade. Overall, the organizers are gaining from providing a yearly event that offers a safe space while empowering equity deserving genders.

Partners: By collaborating with Beyond Boundaries, partners gain the opportunity to enhance exposure for their brands. Engaging in the advocacy of equity for deserving genders not only offers a strong marketing platform but also demonstrates unwavering support for underrepresented individuals and community involvement. This chance paves the way for the partnered group to become Rainbow Registered , thereby amplifying their support. Partners such as TRU adventure community will benefit from bridging the gap within the local Kamloops adventure community by providing a supportive partnership to help make this tourism experience possible. 

Participants: Participants in Beyond Boundaries experience a diverse range of enriching activities and educational events aimed at fostering personal growth, building confidence, and promoting inclusivity within the adventure community. By actively engaging in these events, they contribute to creating a supportive and comfortable space where equity deserving genders feel empowered and valued. Community-wide celebrations like the Kamloops Pride parade further enhance the sense of belonging and pride among participants, ensuring a positive and impactful experience for all involved.

Kamloops Pride: Partnering with Beyond Boundaries provides Kamloops Pride with valuable opportunities to expand its reach, promote diversity, and engage with the community. By participating in adventure events and community-wide celebrations, Kamloops Pride can connect with new audiences and amplify its message of inclusivity and acceptance. Collaborating with Beyond Boundaries also enhances Kamloops Pride’s visibility within the adventure tourism industry and raises awareness about LGBTQ+ issues, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and supportive community environment.


Feature Image Source: Unsplash



